Well! This was a different one wasn’t it? Doom, doom, DOOM! The team is divided again on this one and have lots of fun discussing and dissecting.
Things mentioned on the show:
- The article on Mr Cumberbatch’s American accent – kindly provided by Steve @zincstoat
- Benedict Cumberbatch reading the Aubrey-Maturin novels by Patrick O’Brian – The Surgeon’s Mate and Far Side of the World. Sadly the Googles have let us down on finding a link
- Potentially the best audio sitcom ever Cabin Pressure, which was broadcast on Radio 4 and can be purchased various places, including Audible. You can get a taster here.
- Variety’s article on abandoned What If concepts – which includes the potential entry of the Rocketeer to the What If menagerie
- And while we’re talking about the most charming caper that ever capered, the announcement of the Rocketeer sequel
Come and say hi! We’re on Twitter @eloquentgushing, or directly @matthewvose, @thisaeshaw and @laurageeksout
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