The Falcon & The Winter Soldier 4
Episode 4 and the whole world is indeed watching, but are they listening? Come and say hi! We’re on Twitter @eloquentgushing, or directly @matthewvose, @thisaeshaw and @laurageeksout Subscribe using...
Discussions of marvellous depth about Marvel's shows and movies, starting with WandaVision.
Matthew is back baby! The full band is back together to discuss the whole of the Hawkeye series with forays into the Marvel marketing machine, finding an entry point...
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Matthew’s still on sick leave so we’re holding off on going into detail on plot, character, etc until all three of us are back for a detailed wrap up...
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Real life got in the way of recording so we’ve had to combine the first 3 episodes of Hawkeye into one discussion. Sadly we are temporarily down a host...
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You may be able to tell that we’re rather excited to be recording together again after a month’s hiatus, as we start with mayhem and then descend into chaos....
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Time for the second Marvel film of the year as we delve into Shang-Chi, horses (yes again), our dream cage fights and MCU karaoke team ups. *NOTE WE DISCUSS...
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The Marvellous team assemble once more to look back on the whole of What If series 1 and ponder the question…maybe we’re overthinking this? Links mentioned on the pod:...
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