Laura Stuart-Berry

What If…? Episode 9: What If…The Watcher Broke His Oath?

Matthew is back baby! The full team assembles to break down and discuss the What If finale – what was, what is and what still may be. Matthew, being the genius that he is, has built the What If Guardians of the Multiverse shopping experience. If you were Uatu The Watcher, which team would you assemble?…

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What If…? Episode 8: What If…Ultron Won?

Later than planned, this episode it’s Ladies Night as we’ve done away with Matthew ermm…we mean… Matthew is on a well deserved holiday. Come and say hi! We’re on Twitter and Instagram @eloquentgushing, or directly on Twitter @matthewvose, @thisaeshaw and @laurageeksout Subscribe using any of the below options to get new episodes delivered straight to…

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What If…? Episode 7: What If…Thor Were an Only Child?

Another pod divided! Diverse opinions again on episode 7 of What If? Will we ever agree on What If? Head back to the Black Widow pods if you need a bit of a gush fest fix. Here we talk a rather trying Thor, who should be able to lift Mjølnir and where, if anywhere, all this is…

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What If…? Episode 6: What If…Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?

So this time Killmonger is the hero…or is he? A less dramatic change this episode of What If, but still plenty to talk about. How many Tildas would you give episode 6 of What If…? Come and let us know! We’re on Twitter and Instagram @eloquentgushing, or directly on Twitter @matthewvose, @thisaeshaw and @laurageeksout Subscribe using…

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What If…? Episode 5: What If…Zombies?!

ARGHHHHH ZOMBIES!! This week we breakdown episode 5 of What If…?, where it seems that Laura watched a different ending to Abbi and Matthew. She likes to think this special Laura-only version was provided by Disney in recognition of her ongoing Marvel Pollyanna status. How many Tildas would you give episode 5 of What If…?…

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What If…? Episode 4: What If…Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?

Well! This was a different one wasn’t it? Doom, doom, DOOM! The team is divided again on this one and have lots of fun discussing and dissecting. Things mentioned on the show: The article on Mr Cumberbatch’s American accent – kindly provided by Steve @zincstoat Benedict Cumberbatch reading the Aubrey-Maturin novels by Patrick O’Brian – The Surgeon’s…

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What If…? Episode 3: What If…Earth Lost its Mightiest Heroes?

In this episode we share our thoughts as our heroes are bumped off one by one, together with forays into The Rocketeer and Batman vs Superman. Come and say hi! We’re on Twitter @eloquentgushing, or directly @matthewvose, @thisaeshaw and @laurageeksout Subscribe using any of the below options to get new episodes delivered straight to you:…

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What If…? Episode 2: What If…T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?

What If…? What If indeed? We discuss episode 2 of Marvel’s latest TV venture and it seems we all got the memo this episode so we’ll be able to cash our Disney cheques this week. Marvel Pollyannas all around! Come and say hi! We’re on Twitter @eloquentgushing, or directly @matthewvose, @thisaeshaw and @laurageeksout Subscribe using…

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What If…? Episode 1: What If…Captain Carter Were the First Avenger?

Marvellous pod is back, this time examining the first episode of What If…? It’s fair to say there were some mixed views on this one among the team. Links we mention in the show: Abbi’s explanation of deltoids was a bit too visual for the podcast format. So if you’re wondering, here’s a helpful diagram We…

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Loki Bonus

The Marvellous team are looking forward to What If…? next week, but before we go forwards we must go backwards….or sideways…maybe? Who knows in this new fangled multiverse? Here we look back at the first season of Loki in its entirety, as well as the Assembled behind the scenes show. Links mentioned in the episode:…

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