73 Thoughts Mandi Kaye Had While Watching Rain Man

  1. So Tom is a bit of a con artist, yeah?
  2. He certainly doesn’t care that his dad died.
  3. So she went to the funeral, but she stayed in the car.
  4. This guy is a real piece of work.
  5. The implication is that he doesn’t know he has an older brother?
  6. “Dad lets me drive it on Saturdays…” Now we’re getting to the heart of it.
  7. “Raymond is your brother.”
  8. So when he was a kid, he couldn’t pronounce Raymond and called him Rain Man, yes?
  9. Charlie is one of the most insensitive assholes I’ve ever seen.
  10. There’s a card missing.
  11. Stay?! He’s not a dog you asshole!
  12. Did he just walk off with him????
  13. I can’t believe they would have sex with him right next door…. OH GOD HE MIMICS SOUND.
  15. I really hate Charlie.
  16. HATE.
  17. Good for you Susanna, for leaving!
  18. “Serious Injury List” – I kind of love that.
  19. “There’s 4 left in the box.”
  20. I love Raymond. I hate Charlie.
  21. Definitely a lot of sensory overload here at this car accident.
  22. Why doesn’t the cop say anything about Ray being out of the car?
  23. My heart is breaking for Ray.
  24. He’s drawing Wallbrook. 🙁
  25. I like orange soda, too, Ray.
  26. What’s that he’s drawing now? The camera lingered, but I couldn’t tell.
  27. “I’m definitely not wearing my underwear.”
  28. Fuck you, Charlie.
  29. “Uh oh, fart.”
  30. Goddamn, Charlie is one hell of a conman.
  31. That lady is so very kind.
  32. She did let him watch People’s Court!
  33. Figuring out that Raymond is the Rain Main just blew his mind.
  34. There’s a picture of them!
  35. Hot water burn baby! Oh my heart.
  36. Aw the picture!
  37. Oh, that’s why they sent him to Wallbrook.
  38. Oh, my heart.
  39. And now Charlie feels like a dick. As he should.
  40. Well at least he realized Ray would burn with the top down.
  41. Me: “Why are they going through Vegas? Is Vegas on the way to LA from Ohio?” Joseph: “It is if you need $80,000 and I have someone that good with numbers with me.”
  42. Though, according to the story, Charlie figured it out after they drove through the strip.
  43. I think we’re supposed to think those lights weren’t Vegas?
  44. This is going to be very bad.
  45. How is Ray supposed to be okay on a casino floor? Talk about sensory overload!
  46. Quit while you’re ahead, Charlie.
  47. Watch my chips? That feels risky.
  48. I like that Charlie lets him talk to the woman.
  49. Oh, whoops. Ray told her that they’re counting cards.
  50. He can be quite gentle with Ray sometimes, but I still hate him.
  51. Susanna came! I’m not sure how I feel about that.
  52. Oh no, Ray’s going to go to the bar alone.
  53. Oh, he didn’t! That’s good.
  54. Iris isn’t going to be there, honey.
  55. The casino is letting Charlie off easy. But I bet his mouth is going to get him in trouble.
  56. Susanna, what are you doing?
  58. I don’t like that. I know she was being kind, but ugh.
  59. Bruner decided to give him money. I don’t know how I feel about that. I guess from his perspective, it’s best for Raymond.
  60. Oh no, oh no!
  61. Oh no, no! Don’t put your head through the glass!
  62. He didn’t, oh thank god.
  63. He misses Vern.
  64. Charlie just isn’t equipped to handle Ray right now.
  65. “What happened Raymond?” “Illegal shit.”
  66. He’s not capable of having a relationship with Charlie? WTF DR. BRUNER?
  67. “He’s capable of a lot more than you know.” I do like Charlie standing up for him here.
  68. I like Charlie not talking back about Dr. Bruner to Ray.
  69. That head touch!
  70. “I like having you for my big brother.”
  71. Aww, “C-H-A-R-L-I-E My main man.”
  72. “Kmart sucks.”
  73. That’s it?!

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