40 Thoughts Mandi Kaye Had Whilst Watching Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

  1. No idea what this movie is about.
  2. Oh, Jason Statham!
  3. “These are not stolen, they’ve just not been paid for.” Ha!
  4. Definitely not the kind of character I’m used to seeing JS play.
  5. The yellow tint on this is annoying.
  6. One would assume if you can listen to the neighbors, they can listen to you, too.
  7. That’s a lot of weed.
  8. There’s a lot of odd ducks in this.
  9. I don’t think I’d have picked those two to rob anything.
  10. Why is there a random dude on fire?
  11. Whoa, he’s cheating. That’s a nice set up to cheat, though.
  12. I do not understand how these card games work.
  13. I sure hope they figure out he’s cheating before this is over.
  14. Boycott the payment? He’ll kill you!!
  15. We are convinced that dude is James McAvoy, but it can’t be. And he’s not in the credits.
  16. Apparently it’s Steve Sweeney.
  17. These people just carry a lot of cash around.
  18. …the latest in arse-intruding dildos.
  19. This “Chill Winston” thing is annoying af.
  20. I swear, Eddy looks like Eddie Redmayne.
  21. Well now we know why there was a random guy on fire!
  22. This is the strangest fucking movie.
  23. So those are the guns Harry wants, right?
  24. This is a shit show!
  25. Does no one hear this Bren gun? IT’S SO LOUD!
  26. This circle shit is amazing and also utterly unrealistic.
  27. “You wouldn’t know if it was the next-door fucking neighbors!”
  28. Except now they do know it was the next-door neighbors.
  29. Rory Breaker has the tiny gun.
  30. Oh this is hilarious. It’s the real original thieves in Eddy’s house.
  31. But Big Chris has the money and the guns, and Harry thinks it’s from Eddy.
  32. Oh god, these two dummies are going to try and steal the guns from Harry… for Harry.
  34. This is… ridonkulous.
  36. Man, Big Chris has issues.
  37. This is the most ridiculous movie. Ever.
  38. LOL – he brought the bag back. Empty.
  40. Ridiculous.

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