39 Thoughts Mandi Kaye Had While Watching Cellular

  1. Literally all I know about this movie is that it has Chris Evans in it.
  2. Holy shit. That was unexpected.
  3. Jason Statham?
  4. Hmmm. Can the high school science teacher put a smashed phone back together? Probably, in the land of the movies!
  5. Baby Chris Evans!
  6. Whoa, Jessica Biel, too!
  7. How have I not seen this?
  8. Something tells me those t-shirts aren’t going to be picked up.
  9. Hello Nokia product placement. 
  10. God, I remember that ringtone.
  11. “Wasting my minutes” lol
  12. Oooh, William H Macy, too?
  13. LOL, William H Macy trying to be all tough.
  14. Why do they always have to light Kim Basinger like a 40s starlet?
  15. “You named your child Ricky Martin?” lol
  16. Oh shit, he went and got the gun!
  17. “It’s a day spa.”
  18. That was a woman listening to the message at her house.
  19. You know this was probably thought to be a pretty cutting edge movie.
  20. Man, I remember having to press that many buttons to find anything.
  21. Though, I don’t believe for a second that Ryan could have done all of those things and not gotten on the cop’s radar.
  22. Oh, that’s the woman who was at the house. Makes sense.
  23. This douchebag is talking to his MOM?
  24. “Oh snaps.”
  25. 2004? He would have needed ID with that boarding pass.
  26. Oh shit, these guys are cops.
  27. What are the odds there would be two tall men with blue jeans and a Laker’s jacket at that bar?
  28. They’ve written Jessica’s character so badly.
  29. I feel like you have to be an arrogant sonuvabitch to use your police badge as a way to do crime.
  30. Naw man, Nokia’s are indestructible!
  31. Oh shit, it’s the cops doing the gang killings?
  32. Oh, no man! The nice cop guy is part of it?
  33. This porsche driver guy is always typecast as douchbag of the year. But he does it really well.
  34. Ohhhh, the phone that broke wasn’t his Nokia. It was the froufrou fun.
  35. Goddamn she’s so inconsistently written! She’s levelheaded enough to put the phone together and target that guy’s artery, but she’s a soggy whiny crying helpless mess the rest of the time.
  36. How the fuck did she recognize him from the back with that hoodie on?
  37. Oh, nice job Ryan!
  38. “It’s a day spa, you fuck!”
  39. “Don’t ever call me again.” Heh.

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